Dear Rajar Amesh Puli: In order to provide you the right answer we need to know which is the seed that are you processing.
But in spite of this is the seed is Soybean, normally the Meal Tª at DT inlet should be: 59ºC – DT dome Tª should be between 72 to 75ºC and the typical steam consumption will be the following : Indirect Steam: aproximately 25 to 30 Kg/t and Direct Steam: aproximately 75 Kg/t – Total Steam Consumption: 100 Kg/t.
DC Steam Consumption: Drying the meal from 17,5 to 12,5 % and Meal Tª at Dryer inlet: 90ºC > 18 to 20 Kg/t of steam consumption.
Note 1: Normally the Residual Solvent in Flakes after Extractor should be : 30/32%.
Note 2: DT Configuration has including between (3/4) PD Trays + (3/4) DT Trays + (1) Sparge Tray and eventually (1) SRTray.
Note 3: If the DT design has include an Flash Steam Recovery Tray at the bottom; then the steam saving in the DT, could be: 6 kg/t.
Note 4: DC Steam consumption has included inlet air preheating using hot water loop, using the heat energy from vegetable and M.O.S of Srippers vapors.
Regards Héctor